President’s Message – Summer 2020 Recap
‘Hope you are all enjoying summer and getting outside frequently as physical distancing rules are being relaxed.
My parents are 88 and 89 this month and while they have been cautious, they have also been reasonable. My mom told me “I’d sooner die of COVID than die of loneliness missing contact with my great grandchildren.”
“I’d sooner die of COVID than die of loneliness missing contact with my great grandchildren.”
At Financial Concierge Inc., we have pivoted to working more with clients over the phone, email and Zoom calls. I had one initial meeting with a client with her inside her apartment building foyer and me in the vestibule between the exterior and interior doors with the interior door propped open 6” so that we could hear as well as see each other. With other clients, we resorted to Canada Post snail mail or exchanging envelopes from their mailboxes. With a few clients who were not high risk and wanting face-to-face meetings, we met outdoors or in large spaces and maintained a 2 metre distance.
What we have missed the most are our presentations to community and association groups. We hope these will resume soon even if a smaller group size. We are putting the final touches on an informal video featuring a Financial Concierge™ and a paralegal chatting about the importance of estate documents and the care required in who you appoint to the various roles.
We had 5 short videos professionally produced by Sergey Abramov with New West Video. The videos are here on our website under Resources. I would love your feedback on them!
We're Growing!
It is hard to believe that Financial Concierge Inc. is already 2.5 years old! We are growing slowly and steadily in numbers. We now have:
- Two Financial Concierges in BC (Victoria and Prince George);
- Four in Calgary; and
- Three in ON (Mississauga, Hamilton and Oshawa).
We are always open new team members. A typical Financial Concierge is a retired professional who loves working with seniors, is computer savvy, and looking for flexible part time work. Financial Concierges are employed as independent contractors. They must have a good to excellent credit score and a clear background check, including a vulnerable sector report. If you are interested or know someone who would be, find out more on the Join Our Team page.
‘Bye for now.