Jill’s Charities of Choice
Pet Access League Society “PALS”

In December 2012, I adopted an 18 month old Boston Terrier and called her Molly. Molly loves people! I wanted to share her love with others so we joined PALS in 2013 and visited seniors at Glenmore CareWest for several years as well as special request visits to a variety of settings. My favourite memory was Molly jumping onto the lap of a senior lady with dementia.
She commented, “that is the most tongue action I have had in years!”
I was also an active Board Member April 2013 thru to April 2018. I continue to volunteer with PALS even though Molly was excused from the program as she was too bossy with the other dogs.
PALS is a local charity with no ongoing funding. Every dollar raised through the endless hours devoted by the volunteers. The overhead is bare bones and staffing minimal. PALS is experiencing increased requests for service every year. These visits are all provided on a complimentary non-revenue generating basis.
My thoughts are that I want my donations and my volunteer hours to benefit my community directly – not a national organization with significant staffing, budgets and a recognized fundraising brand.
Made By Momma
As a nurse, I worked primarily with new moms and babies in hospitals and in the community. I know how overwhelming it is being a new parent. When a crisis hits, they don’t have any reserves physically or emotionally to deal with it.
Made By Momma is a grass roots organization. The services they offer are amazing! From cooked nutritious frozen meals to maternity clothes to breastfeeding support to car seats.
The Chop Squad prepares meals in their new industrial grade kitchen. Volunteers visit moms in their homes providing an extra set of hands, support and encouragement allowing mom a much need nap or time with baby while older children are cared for.
Again, fundraising is always necessary especially as the demand for services increases each year and the need for additional space to operate.
I volunteer in a variety of areas from delivering meals to the Neonatal ICU at Peter Lougheed Centre to bagging donations from Cobs Bread to visiting moms in their homes.
All of the services are provided on a complimentary basis – even the meals!